Tirupati JEO Sri P Bhaskar on Saturday reviewed with the officials over the arrangements of the annual brahmotsavams of Sri Govinda Raja Swamy which are scheduled to take place from June 4 to 12.

The review meeting held at Sri Govinda Raja Swamy temple premises. The JEO directed the engineering officials to set up extra lines and arricades, keeping in view the pilgrim rush. He also instructed them to set up giant screens at Railway Station, Vishnunivasam and near Govindaraja Swamy pushkarini for the sake of the visiting pilgrims.

The JEO directed the officers concerned to negotiate with corporation, EB officials to cut off the branches of well grown trees in order to avoid obstruction during the procession of the famous Rathotsavam during the temple fete.

JEO instructed the health and Annaprasadam department officials to provide food and water round the clock to the pilgrims during the nine day festival.

He said since Garudaseva falls on June 8, Rathotsavam on June 11 and Chakrasnanam on June 12 asked the officials concerned to deploy enough number of scouts and guides and Srivari Sevaks for crowd management.

The JEO directed the GM Transport to operate special buses to TTD colonies for the convenience of the families of TTD staff members to take part in the annual fete.

He also directed the garden and electric wings of TTD to decorate and illuminate the streets and temple premises with colourful displays. The JEO instructed the HDPP and other projects of TTD to arrange special programmes during the brahmotsavams.

Later TTD EO Sri MG Gopal released wall poster of Sri Govindaraja Swamy Brahmotsavam wall poster at his residence.

CE Sri Chandra Sekhar Reddy, SE I Sri Sudhakar Rao, SE Electricals Sri Venkateswarulu, local temples Deputy EO Sri Chandra Sekhar Pillai, PRO Sri T Ravi and other officials were also present.