Tirumala, 19 October 2015: On the sixth day of Navaratri Brahmotsavam , the presiding deity Lord Venkateswara gave darshan to his devout followers on the Hanuman Vahanam.
Hanuman is considered one of the top devotees of Lord Vishnu in one of his avatars as Lord Rama. He is also hailed as a exponent of all four vedas, Nava vyakarana pundit and destroyer of Lanka. He is an embodiment of Wisdom, Muscle power, success , Courage,health, dynamism, and common sense. One of the hillocks on the Tirumala hill range is also named after him as Anjanadri and a temple in front of Srivari temple is built for him- Bedi Anjaneya.
As done ardent devotee who carried Sri Rama on his shoulders, It is said that Lord Sri Rrama had taught the secrets of Atma Tatva to his most loyal disciple, Hanuman. The Sita Ramanjaneya Samvadam is the basic theme of a Telugu poetry of yesteryear..Hanuman is also described as Bhavishyat Brahma for his blessings and acts denote a special and spiritual path for everyone to abide and to lead a peaceful and prosperous livelihood.
Special light arrangements like public toilets, drinking water, First Aid and Ambulance are made around the holy four Mada streets to provide a total eyeful view of the procession of Vahanam. Cultural troupes comprising of dancers from all regions etc that precede the Vahanam procession of Lord Venkateswara enthrall the devotees with their performances.
Chairman Dr Ch Krishnamurthy, Executive Officer Dr D Sambasiva Rao, Joint Executive Officers Sri KS Sreenivasa Raju, Sri Pola Bhaskar, SP (URBAN) Sri Gopinath Jatti, CV&SO Sri Nagendra Kumar, Board Members Smt Suchithra Ella, Sri Hariprasad, Sri Raghavendra Rao, Sri AV Ramana, Sri Vaidyanathan Krishnamoorthy, Sri Sandra Venkata Veeraiah, Sri G Bhanuprakash Reddy, ACVSO Sri Sivakumar Reddy, DyEO Temple Sri Chinnamgari Ramana, Peishkar Sri R.Selvam, Parpathyedar Sri Ajay and others were present.