NELLORE, AUGUST 12: The denizens of Nellore were caught in awe after witnessing the special abhishekam that was performed to the utsava murthies as a part of the ongoing Sri Venkateswara Vaibhavotsavams in ACSR stadium here on Wednesday.
The special abhishekam popularly called Sahasra Kalasa Abhishekam seva is offered to Sri Bhoga Srinivasa Murthi-the silver replica deity of Mula Virat, the processional deities of Sri Malayappa Swamy varu along with his two consorts, Sri Viswaksena-the chief commander of Lord during every Wednesday in Tirumala shrine. This seva was replicated here and special abhishekam was performed to the deities after the second bell.
The Bhoga Srinivasa Murthy was connected by means of thin silk rope with the Mula Virat inside the Garbhalayam (sanctum). One end of the rope was tied round the feet of the Bhoga Srinivasa Murthy while the other end was placed near the Kathithasta of the Mula Virat, thus symbolically establishing a relationship between the Main deity and the Bhoga Srinivas Murthy to achieve two purposes.
Firstly, it becomes clear that Bhoga Srinivasa is representing the Mula Virat and secondly, it makes clear that the Pooja offered to the Bhoga Srinivasa Murthy is nothing but the puja is assumed to have offered to the main deity.
Sri Malayappa Swamy with his two consorts Goddess Bhudevi and Sridevi were brought from the Sanctum and placed on the right side of Bhoga Srinivasa Murthy while the idol of Viswaksena on to His left side.
One Thousand and Eight Silver Vessels filled with Abhisheka Thirtha otherwise known as the “Parimala Teertham”-pure water with the aroma of sandal paste, along with eight more Parivara Vessels and One Gold vessel filled with water are placed in the Mantapam in front of Bangaru Vakili. The archakas recited Pancha Suktas and the Pancha Shanthi Mantras.
Thirumanjana Abhishekam was offered to Sri Bhoga Srinivasa Murthy, Sri Malayappa Swami and his consorts and Viswaksena.
Then Archana was offered to the main deity and the water from the hugr kumbham was sprinkled on the Feet of the main deity, thus symbolically including the Mula Virat(main deity) also in the Sahasra Kalasabhishekam.
The devotees who thronged the stadium did not blink their eyes even for a moment as they might miss the divine bath glimpse of Lord.
Meanwhile, on Thursday, yet another important weekly seva, Tiruppavada, otherwise known as Annakutotsavam will be performed on the six day of the ongoing nine-day mega religious fete.