Tirumala, 21 September 2015: Every day is a festival day in Tirumala and the Lord Sri Venkateswara enjoys giving darshan to large number of devotees in open along with hos consorts and entourage comprising of nine other than Lord Brahma, the creator Himself. On the sixth day of Salakatla Brahmotsavam Lord is taken out in procession on Elephant (Gaja) or Airavatham as his vahanam
The vahanam bearing the utsava murthies of Malayapppa and his consorts is lofted on the vehicle made in shape of elephant (Gaja) covered in gold and is considered to be one of the most auspicious and enthralling vehicles of Lord Venkateswara next to Garuda Vahanam since time immemorial.
We find in Sri Madbhagavatham Gajendra Moksham episode; Lord instantly coming to the rescue of Gajendra and got him relieved from the clutches of Crocodile (Makara). Elephant (Gaja) also known as Airaavatha (four tusked white elephant) is vaahana of Lord Indra that got manifested from ocean during Ksheera-saagara mathanam. The vahanam and concept behind is a reminder to everyone that Lord always rescued the true devotees from all sorts of risks and troubles like he did for Gaja from the threat of Crocodile.
The tens of thousands of devotees who converged to witness the grandeur of Lord Venkateswara and his consorts on his favorite vehicle Gaja Vahanam were spell bound by the charm and glory of the lord on Monday evening. TTD had made tight security arrangements with vigilance, Srivari seva volunteers and adequate police personnel were deployed to see that no untoward incident occurred during the celestial procession.
The procession was preceded by various cultural troupes including dancers, folk artists and drummers. The galleries of Four Mada streets were full of devotees who were ready to witness and be blessed by Lord Venkateswara in yet another avatar. The Srivari Sevaks had spread out with cool beverages and snacks as evening wore down and humidity bore down on the devotees waiting for the glimpse of their favorite deity.
Chairman Dr Ch Krishnamurthy, Executive Officer Dr D Sambasiva Rao, Joint Executive Officers Sri K.S.Sreenivasa Raju, Sri Pola Bhaskar, SP (URBAN) Sri Gopinath Jatti, CV&SO Sri Nagendra Kumar, Board Members Smt Suchithra Ella, Sri Hariprasad, Sri Raghavendra Rao, Sri AV Ramana, Sri Vaidyanathan Krishnamoorthy, Sri Sandra Venkata Veeraiah, Sri G Bhanuprakash Reddy, ACVSO Sri Sivakumar Reddy, DyEO Temple Sri Chinnamgari Ramana, Peishkar Sri R.Selvam, Parpathyedar Sri Ajay and others were present.