Tirumala, 20 October 2015: On the 7th day of the Navaratri Brahmotsavam , Lord Venkateswara rode on Chandra Prabha vahanam rides atop a Chandra Prabha Vahanam to the delight of thousands of devotees who gathered around the four mada streets at Tirumala to witness the divine event.
Legends of Tirumala say that Chandra, or the moon stands for promotingmedicinal values among living beings including plants. The puranic scripts of “Purushottam Praptiyagam” describe Chandra as Lord Vishnu as an invisible architect who had evolved solutions for all ills of the society.The Saint exponent Geeta Charya says “Nakshatrana Aham Shashi”(I am a spot on the moon) indicating the presence of moon as an integral part of the celestial system.
The procession of Chandra Prabha Vahanam signified the role of school of herbal and Ayurveda medication. The florists from Coimbattore made a special 18 feet garland and an arch made of white jasmine and ixora (flame of the woods )flowers as per the Agama shastras and enriched the divine energy of the utsava idols of Lord Venkateswara.
The event was telecast by the SVBC channel and the TTD has made elaborate arrangements for the public to get a better view of the Vahanams on the sacred four mada streets with all public conveniences like toilets,baths, drinking water and LED screens .
Chairman Dr Ch Krishnamurthy, Executive Officer Dr D Sambasiva Rao, Joint Executive Officers Sri K.S.Sreenivasa Raju, Sri Pola Bhaskar, SP (URBAN) Sri Gopinath Jatti, CV&SO Sri Nagendra Kumar, Board Members Smt Suchithra Ella, Sri Hariprasad, Sri AV Ramana, Sri DP Anantha Sri Sandra Venkata Veeraiah, Sri G Bhanuprakash Reddy, ACVSO Sri Sivakumar Reddy, Dy EO Temple Sri Chinnamgari Ramana, Peishkar Sri R.Selvam, Parpathyedar Sri Ajay and others were present.