Tirumala, 21 September 2015: On the sixth day of Srivari Brahmotsavam, the presiding deity Lord Venkateswara gives darshan to his devout followers on the dazzling and bright Swarna Ratham.
The processional deity Lord Malayappa gives darshan to scores of devotees in grand style as his vehicle is preceded by Shunya ratham of Brahma and other chariots dragged by Elephant, Ashwa and Vrushaba (bull). Thousands of devotees thronged the hill shrine and took part in the rathotsavam.
The devotees got the opportunity of having a glimpse of the deities atop the golden chariot (Swarna Ratham). The utsava murtis (processional deities) adorned with dazzling ornaments, were brought in a procession from the temple to the Ratha Mantapam near the shrine and were placed on the golden chariot after a brief ceremony.
Malayappa Swamy and his two consorts, mounted on the flower-decked, resplendent golden chariot, trundling on the Mada streets around the shrine provided a veritable feast to the eye of the devotees who gathered in strength all along the route of the chariot. The chanting of ‘Govinda, Govinda’ by devotees rent the air. Interestingly only women were allowed to pull the Swarna Ratham.
The Swarna Ratham is preceded by the Shunya Ratham of Brahma and other chariots drawn by elephant, horse and bull. As per mythology, the golden chariot of Lord Venkateswara is drawn by four horses, namely Sugriva, Shaibya, Meghapuspha and Valahaka with Daraka as the driver. Darshan of the Lord on his golden chariot is an memorable experience for the devotees
The newly built 32-feet tall Swarna ratham is made of about 74 kilos of gold, 2,900 kilos of copper and weights a total of nearly 30 tonnes.
Chairman Dr Ch Krishnamurthy, Executive Officer Dr D Sambasiva Rao, Joint Executive Officers Sri K.S.Sreenivasa Raju, Sri Pola Bhaskar, SP (URBAN) Sri Gopinath Jatti, CV&SO Sri Nagendra Kumar, Board Members Smt Suchithra Ella, Sri Hariprasad, Sri Raghavendra Rao, Sri AV Ramana, Sri Vaidyanathan Krishnamoorthy, Sri Sandra Venkata Veeraiah, Sri G Bhanuprakash Reddy, ACVSO Sri Sivakumar Reddy, DyEO Temple Sri Chinnamgari Ramana, Peishkar Sri R.Selvam, Parpathyedar Sri Ajay and others were present.