Tirumala, 1 May 2015: The six-day Kareeristhi – Varunajapa – Parjanyashanti Yagam which is meant to appease the Rain God Varuna and Parjanya, commenced in Vedagiri premises in Tirumala on a religious note on Friday. About 32 Ritwiks hailing from across the country took part in this six-day religious ceremony which commenced with Ganapathi Pooja followed by Mahasankalpam which was rendered with Ttd EO Dr D Samba Siva Rao and his spouse Smt Jyothishmathi-who were referred to here as “Sarvopadrastha” of Yaga karma.

Later speaking to media persons at Yagashala, the EO said, this Yagam is being performed in this holy place from the past many years with a noble aim to appease the rain God to shower good rains during the rainy season and bless the humanity with prosperity.

Dharmagiri Veda Vignana Peetham Principal Sri Kuppa Venkata Siva Subrahmanya Avadhani briefed on the importance of Yagam saying that Kareeristhi will be performed as Srouta Yaga while Varunajapa and Parjanyashanthi as Smartha Yagas. The aim is to get the blessings of Varuna for good rains and good harvest and for the prosperity of entire mankind. “In Kareeristhi we recite Aswa Mantra in front of a black Horse to appease Rain God. Even the Pradhana Yaga couple will also wear black clothes while performing Yaga and this is the uniqueness of this Kratu. Mantras from Krishna yajurveda, Sundara Kanda, Virata Parvam will be recited during these days. On May 6 the Ritwiks will perform Avabhridesthi in Swamy Pushkarini and conclude the Yaga with Purnahuti by 12 noon on that day”, he maintained.

Meanwhile veteran couple, Sri Kuppa Ramagopala Vajapeyaji and his better-half Smt Kalpakamba presided as Yajamana Dampati for the Homam while the Yagam was performed under the supervision of Sri Indraganti Pramodakumar Sharma.

Vedic students and faculty were also present.