TIRUPATI, MAY 5: As a first step of development over the proposed idea of “Moving Platform” which came out during the proceedings of the two day national seminar held by TTD on November 20 and 21 last on “Perspectives of Darshan”, the TTD EO has commenced the trial run of the “Moving Platform” at the Srivari temple in Alipiri on Thursday.
Later addressing the media persons, the EO said this idea was mulled by TTD to provide a hassle-free darshan to the visiting pilgrims who often complain about the twinkling of an eye darshan of Lord inspite of waiting for long hours. “With this new mechanised system, the pilgrim can have a peaceful glance of Lord for nearly 20 seconds. We will go for trial run in this temple by allowing pilgirms for about a month, before it is being introduced in the main temple”, the EO added.
However he said, the moving platform which was launched now is only a proto-type and after thoroughly studying the pros and cons, then only it will be introduced in hill shrine. The EO said since it is a temporary and portable mechanism, there will not be hurdle to perform sevas to Lord also and hence there will not be any violation or deviation to agamas and to temple rituals. “This can be removed and erected as and when we require. But we can organise only Mahalaghu darshan with this moving platform. We are still studying and yet to arrive at a point that how we could alight and pickup the pilgrims and to how many pilgrims we can provide darshan in one hour using this mechanism. This will be soon finalised”, he maintained.
Meanwhile briefing about the techical aspect of the moving platform, the Managing Director of BNA Technologies Consulting Limited from Bangalore, Sri V.Ranganathan said, the size of the platform is 3.5ft in width and 5ft in length and has a capacity to carry 12 persons at a single go. “It moves with a speed of 2mph and operates with in the 23/17feet area inside sanctum sanctorum (from Garudalwar to statues of Jaya-Vijaya). The speed is adjustible as per our requirement”, he added.
Later the EO, CVSO Sri MK Singh, Vedic Varsity VC Sri S.Sudarshana Sharma, SE-II Sri Ramesh Reddy, vigilance officers Sri Venkataratnam and Sri Manohar went on a trial run in the moving platfrom and had darshan of Lord Venkateswara at Alipiri temple.